Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, Monday

     Usually my Mondays consist of laying around thinking about doing things, but not actually doing them.  I seriously need to get my butt motivated.
     I have been trying to quit smoking and today is my first day not having one of those terrible things.  Although, when I am sitting here all day looking at pictures of Boyd Holbrook (can we just think about how hot he is by the way?) there comes a time when I just feel like I need one.  I have been feeling good about it, but I'm just now starting to get agitated.  When I'm agitated I just think about...

Boyd Holbrook *le sigh*

     I'm going to start bettering my life in a physical way though, I'll be 28 it's about time right?

     I don't know what I was talking about before, Real Housewives is on tonight, cha-ching!

     I have also decided that I am the lamest person in the world when it comes to celebrities.  I am a pop-culture fanatic, so that's fun.  I just Twitted Adam Lazzara with the hashtag cheezin'.  I mean it is a super sweet word but come on, I couldn't think of anything cooler?  I am pretty cheezed about seeing them at Warped Tour though.  I met a couple of other celebrities and I just turn into the biggest dork.  Let's just say it's good that Mr. Holbrook doesn't have a Twitter, I might have a restraining order right now (I kid, I kid)...kind of...Joel Kinnaman on the other hand has fell victim to my #starcreepin' tweets, let's just say I'm not very proud and hopefully he receives thousands upon thousands of Tweets so he probably didn't see them.  I do like the fact that he is dating Olivia Munn though.  Mr. Gordon-Levitt has replied to me though, (okay I'll stop getting all weird fan-girl now).

     One word I am trying to bring back is, mac.  I know it's so...mac, right?!  It's okay you can use it. 

     I have rediscovered Ben Kweller and Ben Lee today, it is fantastic.  When my best friend and I lived together we broke all of our cd's and glue them back together on the wall.  The end result was amazing but a lot of good cd's were harmed in the making of the sweet ass wall.  So most of the early to mid to late 90's and very early 2000's have been trapped in my subconscious just clawing to come out, and slowly but surely they end up on that dangfangled music player.  So yeah Ben Kweller and Ben Lee look it up.  I also suggest you look up Aleka's Attic, it was River Phoenix's band before he passed away.  It's very good early 90's gritty garage grunge with sweet melodies.  I haven't found a lot of bands now of days I like, mostly my new favorite bands are my old favorite bands.  YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO SUCRE though.  Stacy King, formerly Dupree of Eisley, is the singer.  Magnificent.

    Alright so this is my first blog.  I'm just learning.  So bear with me as I hope to get a lot better.

   Hopefully I can remember my password.

   Cheers. XO.

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