Monday, June 18, 2012

Crap, Can We Talk About....

     The Killing!?!?!  I mean come on, after an astounding first season and a pretty great second.  (I'm a little biased).  I know a lot of sites and bloggers have complained about the run around and the slowness of the show.  I think it adds to it's charm. 

    I couldn't wait to find out who killed Rosie Larson.  I have to admit, I was stumped.  I was going through every possible explanation in my head...

    It couldn't be the Natives, they rolled around that story for too long. 

   What if it was Stan, why would he do it though? Wouldn't he kill Midge instead?

   Jamie I thought for sure did it in the last couple of episodes, he did always strike me as a little weirdo, (thanks for shooting him Holder). 

   I also went through Balko, Darren, The Polish Mob Guy, the Mayor, back to the Teacher, yada yada yada. 

  (side note real quick:  I also like how the show develops the characters, sometimes you couldn't tell if you liked them, or disliked them...but they developed them so well...)

  So then I started to think crazy, plausible but crazy. 

  Maybe it was Holder...nah.  (he became such a bad ass in the last few episodes, I have a habit at looking at spoilers, and since his character died in the Danish version I thought for sure he was a goner after getting his ass beat. Joel Kinnaman really puts his all into that role, and it really shows.)

  Maybe it was Jack.  It would explain how the picture got on the refrigerator, no way.

  Then my most elaborate explanation yet...Sarah Linden.

  She's crazy, bi-polar and killed Rosie Larsen without knowing/remembering it.  (not too far off.)  Like some sort of High Tension thing.

  Then finally I looked at the spoilers, but it didn't make the reveal any less shocking.  No one can believe how I can do that.  I mean it's the actors that make the work...not the writings about the work after.  I didn't read how they revealed it or what happened.  I went into the episode thinking that Teri maliciously killed Rosie.  I'm just too dang impatient.
  I started to think back at the character of Terry.  Then it sort of made sense.  She did take on Midge's role when she left, but was she overcompensating?  She was totally obsessed with Michael.  She almost always had that guilty look, but it just looked like she was grieving and exhausted from taking care of her sister's family.  Jamie Anne Allman did a fantastic job of turning into a schlup after Ames turned her down.  She really transformed over the seasons.  You could see the guilt wear on her.  I was relieved to find out that she did not know that it was Rosie in the trunk.  It still doesn't make it less twisted.

  Can we talk about how long I cried during and after Rosie's video played?

  The episode ended with Holder getting another call about a killing.  Joel Kinnaman has said he will shoot the third season himself if he had too.  Which would be interesting to watch!  I will tune in though. 

  I have even written a part for myself in the series.  (Forensic Psychologist/Partner). 

  The casting department did an exquisite job casting for this series.  And I'm interested to see if they pick up season three and what direction it goes in.  This series has definitely veered off from the original. 
  I think I will be based on Holder, but they will bring Sarah back after she goes to care for Jack a bit.  Darren as Mayor doing dirty deals, Gwen rejected.  The Larson's probably won't be in it, but who knows.  And a new partner. 

  But until then we will just have to wonder...(how cliche).

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